
4310Dream Incubator






8737Akatsuki Corp


3918PCI Holdings



2154Open Up Group





1431Lib Work

9621CTI Engineering




3277Sansei Landic



4745Tokyo Individualized Educational Institute

7771Nihon Seimitsu




4171Global Information


3965Capital Asset Planning




6840AKIBA Holdings

4286CL Holdings

2984Yamaichi Uniheim Real Estate

3113UNIVA Oak Holdings













3457&Do Holdings

3387create restaurants holdings

6890Ferrotec Holdings


3968Segue Group

4985Earth Corporation




7092Fast Fitness Japan



3652Digital Media Professionals

8179Royal Holdings


5834SBI Leasing Services



6625JALCO Holdings


2999Home Position




6835Allied Telesis HD


3837Ad-Sol Nissin

3916Digital Information Technologies

2404TETSUJIN Holdings

2702Mcdonald's Holdings(Japan)

4572Carna Biosciences



3395Saint Marc Holdings





2384SBS Holdings




3097The Monogatari Corporation




8938GLOME Holdings









4310Dream Incubator






8737Akatsuki Corp


3918PCI Holdings



2154Open Up Group





1431Lib Work

9621CTI Engineering




3277Sansei Landic



4745Tokyo Individualized Educational Institute

7771Nihon Seimitsu




4171Global Information


3965Capital Asset Planning




6840AKIBA Holdings

4286CL Holdings

2984Yamaichi Uniheim Real Estate

3113UNIVA Oak Holdings













3457&Do Holdings

3387create restaurants holdings

6890Ferrotec Holdings


3968Segue Group

4985Earth Corporation




7092Fast Fitness Japan



3652Digital Media Professionals

8179Royal Holdings


5834SBI Leasing Services



6625JALCO Holdings


2999Home Position




6835Allied Telesis HD


3837Ad-Sol Nissin

3916Digital Information Technologies

2404TETSUJIN Holdings

2702Mcdonald's Holdings(Japan)

4572Carna Biosciences



3395Saint Marc Holdings





2384SBS Holdings




3097The Monogatari Corporation




8938GLOME Holdings








What's New
New Analyst Reports

What's New

  • 07/03/2024NEW
  • Saint Marc Holdings(3395)
  • Financial Results for FY3/24
  • TMS(4891)
  • TMS Enters into Exclusive License Agreement with Hokkaido University to In-License Novel Therapeutic Candidate for Spinal Cord Injury
  • Earth Corporation(4985)
  • Notice on the Progress of the Acquisition of Own Shares
  • Ferrotec Holdings(6890)
  • Notice of the Adjustment of Conversion Prices of Euro-Yen Denominated Convertible Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights Due in 2028
  • 07/02/2024NEW
  • TOP CULTURE(7640)
  • FY10/2024 Preliminary sales figures (June)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Results of share buyback through off-auction trading
  • Fast Fitness Japan(7092)
  • Action to Implement Management that is Conscious of Cost of Capital and the Stock Price
  • 07/01/2024
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for full-year FY03/24 [Report Update]
  • Notice Regarding the Status of Acquisition of Treasury Stocks
  • Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
  • 06/28/2024
  • Ferrotec Holdings(6890)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for full-year FY03/24 [Report Update]
  • OKADA AIYON(6294)
  • Notice Concerning Status of Compliance with Continued Listing Criteria for the Prime Market
  • Financial Results for FY3/24
  • Medium-term Management Plan "Rolling Plan FY3/25 to FY3/27"
  • Open Up Group(2154)
  • Notice of Monthly Disclosure of Utilization Rates and Number of Domestic Engineers as of the end of May 2024
  • 06/27/2024
  • Segue Group(3968)
  • [Delayed] Medium-term Management Plan (2024-2026)
  • &Do Holdings(3457)
  • (Progress of matters for disclosure) Announcement Regarding Completion of Transfer of Inventory Assets
  • Teijin(3401)
  • Corporate Governance Report
  • CTI Engineering(9621)
  • Notice of Measures to Prevent Recurrence of Inappropriate Cost Management
  • ALINCO(5933)
  • [Delayed]Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 20, 2024 and Medium-Term Business Plan
  • 06/26/2024
  • &Do Holdings(3457)
  • Announcement Regarding Transfer of Inventory Assets
  • 06/25/2024
  • SBS Holdings(2384)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q1 FY12/24 [Report Update]
  • EPCO(2311)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Monthly results for May 2024
  • Notice of Management Systems of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS INC.
  • Ferrotec Holdings(6890)
  • Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024
  • 06/24/2024
  • AnGes(4563)
  • Strategic Change in Product Development -Collategene (HGF gene therapy product)
  • &Do Holdings(3457)
  • Announcement of Partnership with CLUE, Provider of DroneRoofer, a Drone-based Roof Exterior Inspection Service
  • Shared Research Inc. short report on earnings results for the Third Quarter of FY06/2024 has been issued
  • Earnings Results for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending June 2024
  • New Store Opened in the City of Hiroshima to Expand Coverage of Real Estate Buying and Selling Business
  • New Store Opened in the City of Nara to Strengthen Real Estate Buying and Selling Business Operations in Japan's Kinki Region
  • Announcement of the Achievement of a Reverse Mortgage Guarantee Balance of \ 18 billion
  • HOUSE DO's Online Systems Certified as Services Eligible for METI's IT Introduction Subsidy Support Productivity Improvement of SMEs
  • eREX(9517)
  • [Delayed]Progress of Business Plans for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025
  • 06/22/2024
  • I-PEX(6640)
  • Integrated Report 2024
  • CRESCO(4674)
  • Notice of Resolution Annual General Meeting 2024
  • 06/21/2024
  • Fast Fitness Japan(7092)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for full-year FY03/24 [Report Update]
  • NS TOOL(6157)
  • Notice regarding the disposal of treasury stock as restricted stock compensation
  • Royal Holdings(8179)
  • Q&A sessions at the small meeting with analysts and institutional investors held on June 7,2024
  • TOTECH(9960)
  • Financial Results for FY3/24
  • ELECOM(6750)
  • Notice Regarding Results of Tender Offer and Completion of Acquisition of Treasury Shares
  • 06/20/2024
  • Teijin(3401)
  • Notice Concerning the Disposal of Treasury Shares as "Restricted Stock"
  • Notice of the Results of the Exercise of Voting Rights at the 158 th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
  • create restaurants holdings(3387)
  • Notice of Reorganization of the Contract Business within the Group
  • Earth Corporation(4985)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q1 FY12/24 [Report Update]
  • YAMAZEN(8051)
  • FY3/24 Financial Results Briefing
  • e'grand(3294)
  • The 3rd Medium-term Management Plan (FY3/25-FY3/27)
  • Notice of New Executive Structure
  • Notice Concerning Disposal of Treasury Shares as a Restricted Stock Compensation
  • 06/19/2024
  • NS TOOL(6157)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for full-year FY03/24 [Report Update]
  • Carna Biosciences(4572)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research): Promising early data from Phase 1b clinical trials of next-generation BTK inhibitor AS-1763 presented at European Hematology Association (EHA) 2024
  • TMS(4891)
  • Notice of Dosing to the First Subject in TMS-008 Phase I Clinical Trial
  • JALCO Holdings(6625)
  • Financial Results Briefing for FY2023 (Transcript)
  • Financial Results Briefing for FY2023 (Movie)
  • Financial Results Briefing for FY2023
  • 06/18/2024
  • CRESCO(4674)
  • [Delayed] Notice Concerning Completion of Change to Consolidated Subsidiary (Transfer of Shares)
  • Teijin(3401)
  • Notice of Change in a Consolidated Subsidiary (Share Transfer) and Revision of Financial Forecasts
  • SWCC(5805)
  • Q&A Sessions at the Small Meeting (FY3/2024)
  • Teijin(3401)
  • Notice Regarding Media Articles
  • EPCO(2311)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q1 FY12/24 [Report Update]
  • Dream Incubator(4310)
  • Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for full-year FY03/24 [Report Update]
  • TOKYO GAS(9531)
  • Partial correction to the Notice of Convocation of the 224th Annual Shareholders Meeting
  • (Revised)Notice of Convocation Annual General Meeting 2024
  • 06/17/2024
  • Carna Biosciences(4572)
  • AS-1763, a next generation BTK inhibitor, demonstrates encouraging safety and efficacy in patients with B-cell malignancies in Phase 1b study
  • 06/14/2024
  • Notice of dividend from retained earnings
  • Notice on the establishment of a record date for voting instructions at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
  • SBS Holdings(2384)
  • Notice of Executive Personnel Changes at Affiliated Companies
  • Notice of Personnel Changes
  • [Delayed]Notice Concerning Dividends in Kind of Subsidiary Shares (Share-Distribution-Type Spin-off) and Change of Specified Subsidiaries
  • [Delayed]Notice Concerning Changes of Sub-subsidiaries
  • Crossfor(7810)
  • Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended April 30, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP)
  • inspec(6656)
  • Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP)
  • Notice of the 51st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
  • 06/13/2024
  • TOP CULTURE(7640)
  • Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended April 30, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP)
  • Earth Corporation(4985)
  • Selected as a component of the SOMPO Sustainability Index for 2 Consecutive Years
  • Saint Marc Holdings(3395)
  • Monthly Sales Report May 2024
  • 06/12/2024
  • Royal Holdings(8179)
  • May 2024 Monthly Sales Report (Same-store sales)
  • TOHO(9602)
  • May 2024 Preliminary Report on Monthly Box Office Revenue (Distributed Dept./Movie Theater Chain)
  • Ferrotec Holdings(6890)
  • Notice of the Recommendation of Objection by ISS Against Proposal No. 4 to Be Discussed at the 44th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
  • [Delayed]Notice of the 38th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
  • 06/11/2024
  • HOTLAND(3196)
  • Monthly Sales Report (May)
  • HUB(3030)
  • May 2024 Monthly Report
  • Digital Information Technologies(3916)
  • [Delayed]Financial Results for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending June 2024
  • The Monogatari Corporation(3097)
  • Notice Regarding May 2024 Preliminary Monthly YoY Change in Sales and Number of Restaurants
  • Verite(9904)
  • May 2024 Flash Report vs. LY
  • Ferrotec Holdings(6890)
  • Q&A Summary of the Explanatory Session for Analysts and Institutional Investors for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024
  • 06/07/2024
  • AEON DELIGHT(9787)
  • [Delayed]Corporate Governance Report 20240524
  • CUBE(7112)
  • [Delayed] [FY12/24] Preliminary Monthly Sales Report of Directly Managed Stores for May 2024
  • ASANTE(6073)
  • May Monthly Sales Report for FY Ending March 2025
  • Notice of Completion of Acquisition of Shares Involving Changes in Subsidiaries
  • Rovio and Prime Focus Studios Announce The Angry Birds Movie 3 is in Production
  • Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024
  • WATTS(2735)
  • Notice Regarding May 2024 Monthly YoY Change in Sales and Number of Shops
  • Supplementary Information and Opinion on the Proposal for the 20th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
  • 06/06/2024
  • Fast Fitness Japan(7092)
  • Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024
  • AnGes(4563)
  • Notice Concerning Supply Agreement for "Zokinvy"
  • e'grand(3294)
  • Notice of Formulation of 3rd Medium-Term Management Plan (FY3/25-FY3/27)
  • Mcdonald's Holdings(Japan)(2702)
  • Monthly IR News
  • Ad-Sol Nissin(3837)
  • Notice Concerning Acquisition of Treasury Shares
  • Fast Fitness Japan(7092)
  • Notice of the 14th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2024
  • Ferrotec Holdings(6890)
  • Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting
  • 06/05/2024
  • Earth Corporation(4985)
  • Notice on the Progress of the Acquisition of Own Shares
  • ELECOM(6750)
  • Notice of the 39th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Hakudo(7637)
  • Notice of the 75th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Notice of 2024¡¡Annual General Meeting
  • 06/04/2024
  • Ferrotec Holdings(6890)
  • Notice of the Adoption of a Stock-based Compensation Plan Under Which Shares are Delivered after Right Allotment Conditions are Satisfied
  • TOP CULTURE(7640)
  • FY10/2024 Preliminary sales figures (May)
  • CUBE(7112)
  • [Delayed]Financial results briefing materials for the First Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 2024
  • Notice of Completion of Treasury Shares Cancellation
  • Ad-Sol Nissin(3837)
  • Notice of the 49th Annual General Shareholders Meeting
  • TOTECH(9960)
  • Notice of Convocation Annual General Meeting 2024
  • Saint Marc Holdings(3395)
  • Notice of Convocation Annual General Meeting 2024
  • New Analyst Reports

    7/1 MELCO HOLDINGS INC.(6676) Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Results of share buyback through off-auction trading
    6/28 Ferrotec Holdings Corporation(6890) Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for full-year FY03/24 [Report Update]
    6/25 SBS Holdings,Inc(2384) Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q1 FY12/24 [Report Update]
    6/25 EPCO Co.,Ltd.(2311) Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Monthly results for May 2024
    6/21 Fast Fitness Japan Incorporated(7092) Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for full-year FY03/24 [Report Update]
    6/21 Royal Holdings Co., Ltd.(8179) Q&A sessions at the small meeting with analysts and institutional investors held on June 7,2024
    6/20 Earth Corporation(4985) Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q1 FY12/24 [Report Update]
    6/17 Carna Biosciences, Inc.(4572) Analyst Report(Shared Research): Promising early data from Phase 1b clinical trials of next-generation BTK inhibitor AS-1763 presented at European Hematology Association (EHA) 2024
    6/17 Dream Incubator Inc.(4310) Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for full-year FY03/24 [Report Update]
    6/11 NS TOOL CO.,LTD.(6157) Analyst Report(Shared Research): Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for full-year FY03/24 [Report Update]
    5/31 Infomart Corporation(2492) Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Interview following the Announcement of Financial Results for Q1 FY12/24 [Report Update]
    5/28 AEON DELIGHT CO.,LTD.(9787) Analyst Report(Shared Research) : Change in second-tier subsidiaries (share acquisition and subscription to new shares by overseas consolidated subsidiary)
    5/21 &Do Holdings Co.,Ltd.(3457) Shared Research Inc. short report on earnings results for the Third Quarter of FY06/2024 has been issued
    5/17 TSUBURAYA FIELDS HOLDINGS INC.(2767) Analyst Report (Shared Research) : Share retirement, share repurchase via off-hours trading (ToSTNeT-3), and issuance of 4th and 5th series of stock acquisition rights via third-party allotment



       1/19   What's new: Fast Fitness Japan (7092)

    Newly Added Company

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    Company news
    provided by Timely Disclosure Network

    News Release

    Stock Code or Name:

    Company news within one week
    18:00 3360   SHIP HEALTHCARE HO Corporate Governance Report
    16:20 7366   LITALICO Inc. Notice Regarding Issuance of 18th, 19th and 20th Series Warrants (Fixed Exercise Price) by Way of Third-party Allotment (Abridged)
    16:00 4552   JCR Pharmaceutical [Delayed]Notice of Personnel and Organizational Changes
    15:30 3197   SKYLARK HOLDINGS C June 2024 Skylark Group Monthly IR Report
    15:30 4431   Smaregi,Inc. Monthly number of registered stores in June 2024
    15:30 7965   ZOJIRUSHI CORPORAT [Delayed] Supplementary Explanatory Materials for Financial Results for the Six Months Ended May 20,2024
    15:30 7965   ZOJIRUSHI CORPORAT [Delayed] Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended May 20,2024 [Japanese GAAP]
    15:30 9627   AIN PHARMACIEZ INC Notice Regarding Acquisition of Shares of Francfranc Corporation (Conversion to Subsidiary)
    15:30 9757   Funai Consulting I Notice Regarding Status of Share Buyback
    15:15 8129   TOHO HOLDINGS CO., Corporate Governance Report
    15:15 8698   Monex Group, Inc. Further announcement regarding the progress of Coincheck Group B.V. to become publicly listed on Nasdaq through a De-SPAC transaction
    15:00 2146   UT Holdings Co.,Lt Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 2337   Ichigo Group Holdi Ichigo Solar & Wind Power Generation & CO2 Reduction Data - June 2024
    15:00 2670   ABC-MART,INC. [Summary] Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended May 31, 2024 [Japanese GAAP]
    15:00 2678   ASKUL Corporation Notice Regarding Candidates for Appointment as Director and Audit & Supervisory Board Member
    15:00 2678   ASKUL Corporation Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended May 2024
    15:00 2678   ASKUL Corporation Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended May 20, 2024 [Japanese GAAP]
    15:00 3234   MORI HILLS REIT IN MHR Revises Forecasts of Financial Results and Dividend per Unit for the Fiscal Period Ending July 2024
    15:00 3447   Shinwa Co., Ltd. [Delayed] Notice Regarding the Formulation of the Mid-term Corporate Plan
    15:00 3481   Mitsubishi Estate Notice Concerning Acquisition of SBTi Certification (Net-Zero)
    15:00 3612   WORLD CO., LTD. Consolidated Financial Results for the First Three Months of the Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2025
    15:00 3962   CHANGE Holdings,In Announcement of the Progress regarding the Purchase of Treasury Shares
    15:00 4891   TMS Co.,Ltd. TMS Enters into Exclusive License Agreement with Hokkaido University to In-License Novel Therapeutic Candidate for Spinal Cord Injury
    15:00 4985   EARTH CHEMICAL CO. Notice on the Progress of the Acquisition of Own Shares
    15:00 6098   Recruit Holdings C Sustainability Update: Fireside Chat 2024
    15:00 6326   KUBOTA CORPORATION Notice Concerning the Status of the Repurchase of Own Shares
    15:00 6349   KOMORI CORPORATION Komori Corporation Announces the Receipt of Global Orders of Banknote and Security Printing Equipment
    15:00 7167   Ashikaga Holdings Notice regarding Status and Completion of Acquisition of Own Shares
    15:00 8217   OKUWA CO., LTD. [Delayed]Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended May 20, 2024[Japanese GAAP]
    15:00 8411   Mizuho Financial G Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 8630   NKSJ Holdings,Inc. Announcement regarding Progress of Share Buybacks
    15:00 8955   Japan Prime Realty Notice Concerning Borrowing (Green Loan)
    15:00 9279   GIFT HOLDINGS INC. June 2024 Monthly YoY Change in Sales and Number of Company-owned Stores
    14:00 1860   TODA CORPORATION Notice Concerning the Status of Acquisition of Own Shares
    14:00 1870   YAHAGI CONSTRUCTIO [Delayed] Material on the Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024
    13:45 6167   Fuji Die Co., Ltd. [Delayed]Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024 and Medium-Term Management Plan - Supplementary Materials
    13:00 4593   HEALIOS K. K. Academic paper on Helios UDC in Stem Cell Research and Therapy
    12:30 6071   IBJ,Inc. [Delayed] Monthly KPI Report for June 2024 (Number of registered members finally exceeded 90,000)
    12:00 1417   MIRAIT Holdings Co Notice Regarding the Status of Stock Repurchases
    10:30 6306   NIKKO CO.,LTD. [Delayed] Fiscal Year 2023 (Ended March 31, 2024) Financial Results Briefing Session Materials Script
    10:30 6306   NIKKO CO.,LTD. [Delayed] Fiscal Year 2023 (Ended March 31, 2024) Financial Results Briefing Session Materials
    10:00 1803   SHIMIZU CORPORATIO Notice Concerning the Status of Share Buybacks
    10:00 4114   NIPPON SHOKUBAI CO Notice Regarding the Status of Purchase of Treasury Stock
    08:00 3843   FreeBit Co.,Ltd. Notice of Convocation Annual General Meeting 2024
    00:30 3197   SKYLARK HOLDINGS C Integrated Report 2023
    00:30 9412   SKY Perfect JSAT H Corporate Governance Report
    18:00 1417   MIRAIT Holdings Co FACT BOOK 2024
    18:00 1417   MIRAIT Holdings Co FACT BOOK 2024
    17:45 7476   AS ONE CORPORATION [Delayed]Corporate Governance Report 2024
    17:30 3476   MIRAI¡¡Corporetion Notice Concerning Performance of Variable Rent Assets (Hotels) (May 2024)
    17:20 9793   Daiseki Co.,Ltd. [Delayed]Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended May 31, 2024
    17:00 3405   KURARAY CO.,LTD. Notice Regarding the Status of Share Buyback
    17:00 4902   KONICA MINOLTA, IN [Delayed] Corporate Governance Report
    17:00 6406   FUJITEC CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    16:00 6841   Yokogawa Electric Notice Regarding Revision of Performance-Linked Stock Compensation Plan (Performance Share Unit Plan)
    16:00 6841   Yokogawa Electric Notice Regarding Disposal of Treasury Shares as Performance-Linked Stock Compensation
    16:00 7245   Daido Metal Co.,Lt Corporate Governance Report
    15:30 4151   Kyowa Hakko Kirin Notice Regarding the Status of Acquisition of Own Shares
    15:30 6925   USHIO INC. Notice Concerning the Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
    15:30 8113   UNI¡¦CHARM CORPORA Notice of Receipt of Dividend from a Unicharm Corporation Consolidated Subsidiary
    15:20 4980   Dexerials Corporat (Delayed)Dexerials Selected as a Constituent of SOMPO Sustainability Index for the Sixth Consecutive Year
    15:05 2670   ABC-MART,INC. Monthly Sales Report for June 2024, FY 2025
    15:00 2678   ASKUL Corporation Notice Regarding Status of Acquisition of Treasury Stock
    15:00 2685   Adastria Holdings Monthly Sales Figures
    15:00 5027   AnyMind Group Inc. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (Questions received in FY2024 Q2)
    15:00 6136   OSG CORPORATION Notice Concerning Status of Repurchase of Shares
    15:00 6465   HOSHIZAKI ELECTRIC Notice Concerning the Status of the Acquisition of Treasury Shares
    15:00 6501   Hitachi, Ltd. Notification Regarding the Status of Repurchase of Shares of Common Stock
    15:00 6849   NIHON KOHDEN CORPO Notice regarding Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted Stock Remuneration
    15:00 7606   UNITED ARROWS LTD. Monthly Sales Report for June 2024, FY 2025
    15:00 7717   V Technology Co.,L Corporate Governance Report(Updated on July 2nd,2024)
    15:00 8253   Credit Saison Co., Notice Regarding the Status of Stock Buyback
    15:00 8511   JAPAN SECURITIES F Announcement regarding status of share repurchase
    14:25 6240   YAMASHIN-FILTER CO Corporate Governance Report
    14:05 6849   NIHON KOHDEN CORPO Corporate Governance Report
    14:00 9412   SKY Perfect JSAT H Number of Subscribers as of the End of June 2024
    13:30 4348   INFOCOM CORPORATIO (Amendment) Notice Concerning Changes to Notice Concerning Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares, Etc. of INFOCOM by BXJC II Holding
    11:30 7239   TACHI-S CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    11:00 4208   Ube Industries,Ltd (Delayed) Corporate Governance Report
    09:00 5301   TOKAI CARBON CO.,L Notice of Acquisition of 100% shares in Graphite Machining Companies in the U.S.
    08:00 2910   ROCK FIELD CO.,LTD Notice of the 52nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
    08:00 4382   HEROZ, £É£î£ã. Notice of Convocation of the 16th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2024
    08:00 9627   AIN PHARMACIEZ INC Informational Materials for the 55th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
    08:00 9627   AIN PHARMACIEZ INC Notice of Convocation of the 55th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
    00:30 4502   Takeda Pharmaceuti 2024 ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT
    00:30 7388   FP Partner Inc. ESG Data Book 2024
    18:30 2160   GNI Group Ltd. Notice Regarding Approval Granted for Avatrombopag Maleate Tablets (20mg)
    18:30 4536   SANTEN PHARMACEUTI Corporate Governance Report
    17:45 6544   JAPAN ELEVATOR SER Annual Securities Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2024
    17:30 2935   PICKLES HOLDINGS C [Delayed]Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended May 31, 2024(Based on Japanese GAAP)
    17:30 4980   Dexerials Corporat (Update of Previous Disclosure) Notice of Completion of Transfer of Specified Subsidiary (Share Transfer) and Change of Trade Name and Representative
    17:30 9532   OSAKA GAS CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    17:00 3350   Red Planet Japan,I Notice of the Result of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
    17:00 6232   ACSL Ltd. Notice Regarding Details of Stock Options for Employees
    17:00 6232   ACSL Ltd. Notice Regarding Details of Stock Options as Equity Compensation for Directors
    17:00 6425   Universal Entertai (Cancellation of Disclosure) Notice of Cancellation of the Acquisition of Emerald Bay Resort Project
    17:00 7733   OLYMPUS CORPORATIO Notice Regarding Status of Share Repurchase
    16:02 7846   PILOT CORPORATION Notice Concerning the Progress of the Acquisition of Own Shares
    16:02 8306   Mitsubishi UFJ Fin Corporate Governance Report
    16:00 1951   KYOWA EXEO CORPORA Notice of Status of Acquisition of Treasury Shares
    16:00 1951   KYOWA EXEO CORPORA [Delayed]Corporate Governance Report
    16:00 3836   AVANT CORPORATION Notice on the status of Acquisition of Own Shares
    16:00 4536   SANTEN PHARMACEUTI Santen Announces Status of Share Buyback
    16:00 4552   JCR Pharmaceutical MEDIPAL and JCR Announce Completion of Clinical Trial Notification Process in Japan for Phase I/II Study of JR-446 for Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIB
    16:00 4613   KANSAI PAINT CO.,L Notice Concerning the Status of Acquisition of Own Shares
    16:00 4681   RESORTTRUST,INC. Corporate Governance Report
    16:00 5021   COSMO ENERGY HOLDI Notice Regarding Progress on the Stock Repurchase
    16:00 6036   KeePer Technical L Monthly Report for June 2024
    16:00 6460   SEGA SAMMY HOLDING Notice Regarding the Status of Acquisition of Treasury Stocks
    16:00 8035   Tokyo Electron Lim Notice regarding the Status of Share Repurchase and its Completion
    16:00 8111   GOLDWIN INC. Notice of Establishment of a Joint Venture Company in Republic of Korea
    16:00 8237   MATSUYA CO.,LTD. Monthly Sales Report June MATSUYA
    16:00 8304   Aozora Bank,Ltd. Notice Regarding Completion of Payment for Issuance of New Shares Through Third Party Allotment
    15:50 6200   Insource Co.,Ltd. KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Progress Report for June 2024.
    15:35 6965   HAMAMATSU PHOTONIC Notice Regarding the Status of Repurchase of Own Shares
    15:30 1515   Nittetsu Mining Co Nittetsu Mining launches the third vertical shaft at the Torigatayama Quarry Complex
    15:30 2445   SRG TAKAMIYA CO.,L Notice Regarding the Completion of the Absorption-Type Merger of a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary
    15:30 2975   Star Mica Holdings FY2024 Q2 Financial Results Update
    15:30 2975   Star Mica Holdings FY2024 Q2 Financial Results
    15:30 2975   Star Mica Holdings Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended May 31, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP)
    15:30 3288   Open House Co.,Ltd Notice Regarding the Status of Share Acquisition
    15:30 4324   DENTSU INC. Dentsu Group Inc. announces the status of acquisition of own shares
    15:30 6269   MODEC,INC. MODEC and Terra Drone Enter Joint R&D Agreement to Enhance Offshore Platform Inspections with Advanced Drone Technology
    15:30 7148   Financial Products Notice Regarding the Status of Acquisition of Treasury Shares
    15:30 8011   SANYO SHOKAI LTD. [Delayed] Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended May 31, 2024 (Based on Japanese GAAP)
    15:30 8174   NIPPON GAS CO.,LTD Notice of Progress of Repurchase of the Company's Own Shares
    15:30 8233   Takashimaya Compan Takashimaya monthly store sales flash Jun.2024
    15:30 8715   Anicom Holdings,In Notice Regarding the Status of Repurchase of the Company's Shares
    15:30 8725   MS&AD Insurance Gr Notice Regarding Status of Own Share Purchase
    15:30 8954   ORIX JREIT Inc ORIX JREIT Announces Appointment of Vice President of Asset Management Company
    15:30 8958   Global One Real Es GOR Announces Current Status of Acquisition of Own Investment Units
    15:30 9090   AZ-COM MARUWA Hold [Delayed]Corporate Governance Report(June 26, 2024)
    15:30 9332   NISSO HOLDINGS Co. Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares through Third-Party Allotment
    15:30 9332   NISSO HOLDINGS Co. (Changes to Disclosure) Notice of Changes in Contents of Introduction of Restricted Share Incentive System (Scheme) for Employee Shareholdings
    15:30 9336   Daiei Kankyo Co.,L Notice Concerning Acquisition (Consolidation) of Urayasu Seiun, Inc. and Aia, Inc.
    15:20 6676   MELCO HOLDINGS INC Notice Concerning Status of Purchase of Treasury Shares
    15:20 8892   ES-CON JAPAN Ltd. Notice of Participation in the Sales and Marketing Business for Hawaiian Condominium "Kuilei Place"
    15:15 6632   JVC KENWOOD Corpor [Delayed]Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 1447   ITbook Holdings Co [Delayed]Notice regarding resolution of material deficiencies that should be disclosed in internal control over financial reporting
    15:00 1712   Daiseki Eco. Solut Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended May 31, 2024 [Japanese GAAP]
    15:00 1959   KYUDENKO CORPORATI Notice of Head Office Relocation(Entry into Fixed-term Building Lease Agreement for Space in One Fukuoka Bldg.)
    15:00 1979   Taikisha Ltd. Announcement of Status of Acquisition of Treasury Shares
    15:00 2331   SOHGO SECURITY SER Notice Regarding the Status of the Acquisition of Treasury Stock
    15:00 2331   SOHGO SECURITY SER [Delayed]Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 2379   DIP Corporation Notice Concerning Acquisition of Treasury Shares
    15:00 2379   DIP Corporation Notice of Personnel Change
    15:00 2897   NISSIN FOODS HOLDI Notice Concerning Status of Acquisition of Own Shares
    15:00 3086   J.FRONT RETAILING Notice Regarding Status of Purchase of Own Shares
    15:00 3186   NEXTAGE Co.,Ltd. Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended May 31, 2024
    15:00 3282   Comforia Residenti Notice Concerning Acquisition of CASBEE Certification for Real Estate
    15:00 3350   Red Planet Japan,I (Progress on Disclosure) Notice Concerning the Purchase of Bitcoins
    15:00 3382   Seven & i Holdings Notice Regarding Completion of Transfer of Sub-subsidiary Shares and Resulting Change in Specified Subsidiary
    15:00 3466   LaSalle LOGIPORT R Notice regarding status of repurchase of own investment units
    15:00 3471   Mitsui Fudosan Log Notice Concerning Borrowing of Funds and Repayment of Borrowing
    15:00 3475   Good Com Asset Co. [Delayed]1H FY10/24 Presentation Material November 2023 to April 2024
    15:00 3608   TSI HOLDINGS CO.,L Notice Regarding the Progress of Repurchase of Treasury Stock
    15:00 4023   KUREHA CORPORATION Update on the Share Repurchase Status
    15:00 4385   Mercari, Inc. Notice Regarding Issuance of New Shares as Restricted Stock Units (RSU) Award Plan
    15:00 4676   FUJI MEDIA HOLDING Announcement Regarding the Status of Stock Repurchase
    15:00 4689   Yahoo Japan Corpor Submission of Report to Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (dated July 1, 2024)
    15:00 5019   Idemitsu Kosan Co. Announcement on the Status of the Acquisition of Treasury Shares
    15:00 5020   JX Holdings,Inc. Notice of Interim Progress on the Share Buyback
    15:00 5186   Nitta Corporation [Delayed]Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Share-Based Remuneration to Directors and Executive Officers
    15:00 6727   Wacom Co.,Ltd. Progress of Acquisition of Treasury Stock
    15:00 6810   Maxell,Ltd. Notice on progress of Share Buybacks
    15:00 6908   IRISO ELECTRONICS Notice Concerning Status of Acquisition of Own Shares
    15:00 7167   Ashikaga Holdings Notice regarding Status of Acquisition of Own Shares
    15:00 7246   PRESS KOGYO CO.,LT Notice Concerning Status of Acquisition of Treasury Shares
    15:00 7276   KOITO MANUFACTURIN Announcement Regarding the Status of Acquisition of Own Shares
    15:00 7718   STAR MICRONICS CO. Notice regarding Status of Repurchase of Own Shares
    15:00 7741   HOYA CORPORATION Notice Regarding the Status of Own Share Repurchase
    15:00 7944   Roland Corporation Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 7981   TAKARA STANDARD CO Announcement Concerning the Status of the Purchase of Treasury Shares
    15:00 8242   H2O RETAILING CORP Monthly Sales Flash Report(June,2024)
    15:00 8252   MARUI GROUP CO.,LT Notice of Progress of Acquisition of Treasury Stock
    15:00 8377   Hokuhoku Financial Notice Regarding the Status of the Acquisition of Own Shares
    15:00 8411   Mizuho Financial G Notice Concerning Additional Contribution to the Board Benefit Trust (BBT) for Directors and Officers
    15:00 8566   RICOH LEASING COMP Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 8802   Mitsubishi Estate Notice Regarding the Status of Share Repurchase
    15:00 8984   Daiwahouse Residen Notice Concerning Status of Repurchase of Own Investment Units
    15:00 9101   Nippon Yusen Kabus Notice Regarding the Status of Stock Acquisition
    15:00 9107   Kawasaki Kisen Kai Notice Regarding the Status of Own Share Repurchase
    15:00 9519   £Ò£Å£Î£Ï£Ö£Á¡¤£É£î Notice Regarding Change of Offtaker at Consolidated Subsidiary
    15:00 9682   DTS CORPORATION Notice Concerning the Status of Repurchase of Own Shares
    14:30 5802   Sumitomo Electric Corporate Governance Report
    14:00 2264   Morinaga Milk Indu Notice Regarding Acquisition of Treasury Stock
    14:00 6301   KOMATSU LTD. Notice Regarding the Status of Share Buyback
    14:00 8012   NAGASE&CO., LTD. Notice Regarding the Status of Repurchase of Treasury Stocks
    14:00 8058   Mitsubishi Corpora Notice regarding the status of share repurchases
    14:00 8956   Premier Investment [Delayed] NTT UD REIT Investment Corporation Earnings Presentation for the Fiscal Period 43
    13:30 1821   Sumitomo Mitsui Co Corporate Governance Report
    13:30 8007   TAKASHIMA & CO.,LT Notice Concerning Completion of Cancellation of Treasury Stock
    13:00 4507   Shionogi & Co.,Ltd Corporate Governance Report
    13:00 6134   FUJI MACHINE MFG.C Corporate Governance Report
    13:00 7906   YONEX CO.,LTD. Yonex to Open YONEX OSAKA SHOWROOM in Mid-December 2024 1st Showroom in the Kansai Region and 3rd Showroom Worldwide
    13:00 8133   ITOCHU ENEX CO.,LT Changes in Executive Officer
    12:00 4568   DAIICHI SANKYO COM Daiichi Sankyo Announces Status Relating to Acquisition of Own Shares
    12:00 9627   AIN PHARMACIEZ INC [Delayed]Notice of Partial Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
    12:00 9627   AIN PHARMACIEZ INC [Delayed]Notice Regarding the Election of Candidates for Director and Corporate Auditor
    12:00 9627   AIN PHARMACIEZ INC [Delayed]Explanatory Material Regarding Our Board of Directors' Opinion on the Shareholder Proposal
    12:00 9627   AIN PHARMACIEZ INC [Delayed]Notice of Opinion of the Board of Directors Regarding the Shareholder Proposals
    11:30 4523   Eisai Co.,Ltd. Eisai Announces Status Relating to Acquisition of Own Shares
    11:30 5929   Sanwa Holdings Cor Notice Regarding the Status of Share Buyback
    11:00 8098   Inabata & Co.,Ltd. Notice Concerning the Status of the Acquisition of Treasury Shares
    10:30 4665   DUSKIN CO.,LTD. Notice Concerning Progress of Stock Repurchase
    10:30 8804   Tokyo Tatemono Co. [Delayed]Annual Securities Report for 206th Fiscal Year (January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023)
    10:00 4506   Dainippon Sumitomo Corporate Governance Report
    10:00 7059   COPRO-HOLDINGS. Co Notice Regarding Repurchase Status of Own Shares
    10:00 8331   The Chiba Bank, Lt Corporate Governance Report
    10:00 8630   NKSJ Holdings,Inc. Corporate Governance Report 2024/07/01
    09:00 6544   JAPAN ELEVATOR SER Japan Elevator Service Opened a Branch in Hiroshima
    09:00 6588   TOSHIBA TEC CORPOR (Update on Previously Disclosed Transaction) Notice regarding the Completion of entering into a Joint Venture Company ETRIA CO., LTD.
    09:00 7752   RICOH COMPANY,LTD. (Update on Previously Disclosed Transaction) Notice regarding the Completion of entering into a Joint Venture Company ETRIA CO., LTD.
    08:45 4883   Modalis Therapeuti Modalis Announces updated strategic plan and business consolidation of US operation
    08:45 4883   Modalis Therapeuti Notice Regarding Change of the Executive Officer
    08:45 8002   Marubeni Corporati Notice Regarding the Progress of Share Repurchases
    00:30 8961   MORI TRUST Sogo Re Sustainability Report 2024
    00:30 5108   BRIDGESTONE CORPOR Bridgestone 3.0 Journey 2024 Integrated Report
    19:48 6301   KOMATSU LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    19:30 4368   FUSO CHEMICAL CO., (Updated)Corporate Governance report
    18:30 6535   i-mobile Co.,Ltd. Review of the hometown tax donation system announced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
    18:30 6699   DIAMOND ELECTRIC H Notice Regarding Appointment of Executive Officer
    18:30 7741   HOYA CORPORATION Corporate Governance Report
    17:58 6151   NITTO KOHKI CO.,LT [Delayed]Questions and Answers for the Presentation of Financial Results Fiscal Year 2023
    17:57 6151   NITTO KOHKI CO.,LT [Delayed] Financial Results Fiscal Year 2023 (April 2023-March 2024)
    17:36 6151   NITTO KOHKI CO.,LT [Delayed]Notice Regarding the Medium-Term Management Plan 2026
    17:30 4348   INFOCOM CORPORATIO Corporate Governance Report
    17:30 5857   Asahi Holdings,Inc Corporate Governance Report (June 28, 2024)
    17:15 6857   ADVANTEST CORPORAT Notice regarding Disposal of Treasury Stock based on Post-issued Restricted Stock Unit Remuneration Plan and Performance Share Unit Plan
    17:15 6857   ADVANTEST CORPORAT Notice regarding Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted Stock
    17:00 3269   Advance Residence Notice Concerning Acquisition of Real Estate Trust Beneficiary Interest in Japan (RESIDIA Kunitachi)
    17:00 3937   Ubicom Holdings,In Corporate Governance Report
    17:00 4169   ENECHANGE Ltd. [Delayed]Notice Regarding the Delay in Submission of the Securities Report for FY23 and the Possibility of Designation of Our Stock as a Security Unde
    17:00 6988   NITTO DENKO CORPOR Corporate Governance Report
    17:00 7033   Management Solutio (Correction)Partial Correction to "Financial Results Briefing Materials for the First Half of the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2024"
    17:00 7276   KOITO MANUFACTURIN Corporate Governance Report
    17:00 8987   Japan Excellent,In Notice Concerning Acquisition of CASBEE for Real Estate Certification
    16:30 1968   TAIHEI DENGYO KAIS Notice Concerning Signing of a Share Transfer Agreement to Acquire Shares of MAINTECH ENGINEERING & SUPPLIES PTE. LTD. (and to Make It a Subsidiary)
    16:30 3493   Advance Logistics Notice Concerning Conclusion of Lease Agreement (iMissions Park Tokyo Adachi) and Status of iMissions Park Misato and iMissions Park Tokyo Adachi
    16:30 5202   Nippon Sheet Glass Corporate Governance Report
    16:30 8985   Japan Hotel Reit I Notice Concerning the Determination of the Number of New Investment Units to be Issued
    16:00 2146   UT Holdings Co.,Lt UT Group Starts Operating the "E-Pro System," for Semiconductor Engineers
    16:00 3279   Activia Properties Notice Concerning Borrowing of Funds
    16:00 3491   GA technologies CO Notice Regarding Issuance of New Shares Through Third-Party Allotment and Conclusion of Share Subscription Agreement
    16:00 6472   NTN CORPORATION Corporate Governance Report
    16:00 6588   TOSHIBA TEC CORPOR Notification Regarding Changes to Vice Presidents
    16:00 6588   TOSHIBA TEC CORPOR Disposal of Treasury Shares as Transfer-Restricted Stock-Based Compensation and Performance-Linked Transfer-Restricted Stock-Based Compensation
    16:00 6920   Lasertec Corporati Announcement of Executive Officer Appointments and Title Changes
    16:00 7246   PRESS KOGYO CO.,LT Corporate Governance Report 2024/06/28
    16:00 7280   MITSUBA Corporatio Notice on Completion of Acquisition and Retirement of Existing Class Shares, Completion of Payment for Class Shares through Third-Party Allotment
    16:00 8616   Tokai Tokyo Financ [Delayed] Re: Tokai Tokyo Financial Holdings Announces Appointment of Board of Directors of Tokai Tokyo Securities
    16:00 8616   Tokai Tokyo Financ [Delayed] Re: Appointment of Board of Directors
    16:00 8830   Sumitomo Realty & Corporate Governance Report (June 28, 2024)
    16:00 8964   Frontier Real Esta Notice Concerning Acquisition of DBJ Green Building Certification
    15:40 3774   Internet Initiativ Corporate Governance Report
    15:40 8593   Mitsubishi UFJ Lea Corporate Governance Report
    15:30 3101   TOYOBO CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    15:30 3281   GLP J-REIT Obtainment of Environmental Certification
    15:30 3288   Open House Co.,Ltd Notice Regarding Personnel Changes at Our Subsidiary
    15:30 4819   Digital Garage,Inc Corporate Governance Report
    15:30 6925   USHIO INC. Notice Concerning Receipt of Dividends from Consolidated Subsidiaries
    15:30 7091   Living Platform,Lt Presentation on Business Plan and Growth Potential
    15:30 8972   Kenedix Office Inv Notice Concerning Acquisition of CASBEE Certification for Real Estate and DBJ Green Building Certification
    15:30 8976   Daiwa Office Inves Notice Concerning Completion of Kandasudacho 2-Chome Development Project and Acquisition of Asset (Daiwa Akihabara)
    15:30 9104   Mitsui O.S.K. Line Notice of Change in Specified Subsidiary Company (LNG Rose Shipping Corporation)
    15:30 9279   GIFT HOLDINGS INC. [Delayed] Notice Regarding Uploading Report and Q&A for Results Briefing for the Cumulative Second Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending October 31, 2024
    15:30 9348   ispace,inc. Disclosure of matters related to business plans and growth potential
    15:15 4436   MINKABU THE INFONO Notice Regarding Executive Personnel Changes in Subsidiary
    15:15 4436   MINKABU THE INFONO Notice Concerning Executive Appointments
    15:15 4436   MINKABU THE INFONO Notice Regarding the Determination of the Rate of Decrease in Net Assets
    15:05 4882   Perseus Proteomics PPMX-T003: Announcement on the End of Phase I Clinical Trial for Polycythemia Vera (PV)
    15:00 1873   HIGASHI NIHON HOUS [Summary][Delayed]Summary of Consolidated Financial Resultsfor the Fiscal YearEnded April 30, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP)
    15:00 2154   Trust Tech Inc. Notice of Monthly Disclosure of Utilization Rates and Number of Domestic Engineers as of the end of May 2024
    15:00 2332   Quest Co.,Ltd. [Summary]Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 2371   Kakaku.com,Inc. Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholder, Etc.
    15:00 2590   DyDo DRINCO,INC. Monthly Sales Report, June FY2024
    15:00 2678   ASKUL Corporation June 2024 Operating Results
    15:00 2685   Adastria Holdings FY2025/02 1st Quarter Financial Results
    15:00 2685   Adastria Holdings Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the First Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2025 (Three Months Ended May 31, 2024)
    15:00 2685   Adastria Holdings Notice Concerning Additional Contribution to Performance-Based Stock Compensation Plan for Directors and Acquisition of Additional Shares
    15:00 3086   J.FRONT RETAILING Consolidated Financial Results for the First Three Months of the Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2025 (under IFRS)
    15:00 3086   J.FRONT RETAILING Notice Regarding Revision to Earnings Forecasts
    15:00 3086   J.FRONT RETAILING Reference Data on Financial Results for First Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2025
    15:00 3086   J.FRONT RETAILING Supplementary Information to Financial Results for the First Three Months of the Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2025
    15:00 3287   Hoshino Resorts RE Notice Concerning Determination of the Number of New Investment Units to be Issued under Third-Party Allotment
    15:00 3471   Mitsui Fudosan Log Notice Concerning Extension of the Commitment Line Period
    15:00 4023   KUREHA CORPORATION Notice regarding Completion of Cancellation of Treasury Shares
    15:00 4046   DAISO CO.,LTD. Basic Idea and Policy Concerning Reduction of an Investment Unit
    15:00 4062   IBIDEN CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 4483   JMDC Inc. Notice Concerning Plan for Compliance with Listing Maintenance Criteria
    15:00 4485   JTOWER Inc. Notice of Change in Other Affiliated Company
    15:00 4593   HEALIOS K. K. Extension of the term of the Letter of Intent with Nobelpharma for the Development and Commercialization of MultiStem for ARDS in Japan
    15:00 4689   Yahoo Japan Corpor Submission of Report to the Personal Information Protection Commission of Japan (dated June 28, 2024)
    15:00 4689   Yahoo Japan Corpor Progress Status of the Plan to Meet the Continued Listing Requirements
    15:00 5233   TAIHEIYO CEMENT CO Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 5711   MITSUBISHI MATERIA (Progress of Disclosure Matter) Notice Regarding the Timing of Change of Consolidated Subsidiary (Specified Subsidiary)
    15:00 6028   TechnoPro Holdings Announcement of Management Appointment
    15:00 6232   ACSL Ltd. ACSL applies for Level 4 Class1 UAS Type Certificate for a new "logistics drone"
    15:00 6264   Marumae Co.,Ltd. Presentation Material for Financial Results Q3 FY2024
    15:00 6264   Marumae Co.,Ltd. Financial Results Summary for Q3 FY2024
    15:00 6740   Japan Display Inc. JDI Wins Japan Special Logistics Environmental Award
    15:00 6981   Murata Manufacturi Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 7085   CURVES HOLDINGS Co Notice Regarding Share Acquisition Corresponding to the Accumulation of Shares of CURVES HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. (Securities Code:7085)
    15:00 8081   KANADEN CORPORATIO Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 8233   Takashimaya Compan Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended May 31, 2024
    15:00 8233   Takashimaya Compan Financial Results for the First Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending February 28, 2025 presentation
    15:00 8585   Orient Corporation Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholder, Etc.
    15:00 8967   Japan Logistics Fu Notice Concerning the completion of Acquisition of Real Estate Asset
    15:00 8979   Starts Proceed Inv Notice Concerning Completion of Disposition of Asset and Payment before Maturity
    15:00 9048   Nagoya Railroad Co [Delayed]Fiscal Year Ended March 31,2024 Financial Results Presentation for Investors
    15:00 9143   SG HOLDINGS CO.,LT Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares by Third-Party Allotment as Company Performance-Linked Stock Compensation
    15:00 9267   Genky DrugStores C Jun. 2024 Monthly Sales Bulletin
    14:10 4882   Perseus Proteomics PPMX-T003: Announcement of Publication of Paper Co-authored by Osaka University and Perseus Proteomics Related to ANKL Therapy
    14:00 8954   ORIX JREIT Inc ORIX JREIT Announces Issuance of Investment Corporation Bonds (Green Bonds)
    13:46 8473   SBI Holdings, Inc. Corporate Governance Report June 28 2024
    13:30 8007   TAKASHIMA & CO.,LT [Delayed]Notice Concerning Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Share-Based Remuneration
    13:00 9616   KYORITSU MAINTENAN Corporate Governance Report
    12:30 3475   Good Com Asset Co. [Delayed]Consolidated Financial Results for the Second Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending October 31, 2024
    12:30 3978   MACROMILL, INC. Notice Regarding Issuance Terms of Social Bonds
    12:30 6674   GS Yuasa Corporati Corporate Governance Report
    12:00 3288   Open House Co.,Ltd Notice Regarding the 2nd Unsecured Corporate Bond Issuance
    12:00 7172   Japan Investment A Notice of the start of the air transport business of Pioneer Ace Airlines
    12:00 7172   Japan Investment A Notice of acquisition of the shares of Milestone Asset Management Co., Ltd.(acquisition of Milestone Asset Management Co., Ltd. as a subsidiary)
    11:30 4709   INFORMATION DEVELO [Delayed]Corporate Governance Report
    11:30 7974   Nintendo Co.,Ltd. Corporate Governance Report 240628
    11:30 8267   AEON CO.,LTD. Notice Concerning Determination of Issue Terms of Sustainability Linked Bonds
    11:30 8572   ACOM CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    11:10 9201   Japan Airlines Co. Corporate Governance Report(28Jun.2024)
    11:00 2607   FUJI OIL CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    11:00 2607   FUJI OIL CO.,LTD. Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholder, etc.
    11:00 6482   YUSHIN PRECISION E Corporate Governance Report 2024 - June
    11:00 7721   TOKYO KEIKI INC. [Delayed] Annual Report 2024
    11:00 8011   SANYO SHOKAI LTD. Notice of Completion of Payment for Treasury Stock as Restricted Stock Award
    11:00 8584   JACCS CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    10:45 8591   ORIX CORPORATION Corporate Governance Report
    10:30 3360   SHIP HEALTHCARE HO Corporate Governance Report
    10:30 6417   SANKYO CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report
    10:20 4544   Miraca Holdings In Corporate Governance Report
    10:15 4689   Yahoo Japan Corpor Corporate Governance Report
    10:10 7868   KOSAIDO Co.,Ltd. Corporate Governance Report
    10:00 3696   CERES INC. Notice Regarding Business Alliance between Mercury and Mitsui & Co. Digital Commodities and Launch of Crypto Asset Lending Business
    10:00 4091   TAIYO NIPPON SANSO Matters concerning the controlling shareholder, etc.
    10:00 4526   Riken Vitamin Co., Corporate Governance Report
    10:00 4684   OBIC Co.,Ltd. Corporate Governance Report June 28, 2024
    10:00 8424   Fuyo General Lease Corporate Governance Report
    09:30 7575   Japan Lifeline Co. Corporate Governance Report 2024/6/28
    09:00 2929   Pharma Foods Inter A milestone has been achieved as set forth in an Exclusive Licensing Agreement between PFI and Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation
    08:00 8848   LEOPALACE21 CORPOR Notice Concerning Resolutions at the 51st Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
    08:00 9984   SoftBank Corp. Issue of Foreign Currency-Denominated Senior Notes
    00:30 2914   JAPAN TOBACCO INC. Integrated Report 2023
    00:30 5938   LIXIL Group Corpor Integrated Report 2024
    20:30 3431   MIYAJI ENGINEERING Corporate Governance Report
    19:50 1803   SHIMIZU CORPORATIO Corporate Governance Report
    19:35 9434   SoftBank Corp. Corporate Governance Report
    19:00 7282   TOYODA GOSEI CO.,L Corporate Governance Report
    18:30 3197   SKYLARK HOLDINGS C Notice Regarding Issuance of Our First Corporate Bond
    18:30 6740   Japan Display Inc. JDI Develops World's Highest Resolution (>2500 ppi) Ultra High-Resolution VR Display on Glass Substrate
    17:30 3134   Hamee Corp. Notice of Dividends of Surplus
    17:30 3968   Segue Group Co.,Lt [Delayed] Medium-term Management Plan (2024-2026)
    17:30 4901   FUJIFILM Holdings Notice of Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Share-Based Remuneration
    17:30 6981   Murata Manufacturi Notice regarding Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
    17:30 9143   SG HOLDINGS CO.,LT (Amendment)"Notice Concerning Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of C&F Logistics Holdings" and Public Notice of Commencement of Tender Offer
    17:30 9532   OSAKA GAS CO.,LTD. Announcement Concerning Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Remuneration
    17:15 8132   SINANEN CO.,LTD. [Delayed]Corporate Governance Report
    17:15 8985   Japan Hotel Reit I Notice Concerning Determination of Prices, etc. for Issuance of New Investment Units and Secondary Offering of Investment Units
    17:09 8173   Joshin Denki Co.,L Corporate Governance Report
    17:00 1812   KAJIMA CORPORATION Regarding the Judgement on Case for Violation of the Antimonopoly Act
    17:00 2281   Prima Meat Packers (Delayed)Matters regarding Controlling Sharehplder,etc
    17:00 4272   NIPPON KAYAKU CO., Corporate Governance Report
    17:00 4540   TSUMURA & CO. Corporate Governance Report
    17:00 4665   DUSKIN CO.,LTD. Notice Concerning Voting Results at the 62nd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
    17:00 4911   Shiseido Company,L Announcement of Personnel Change
    17:00 6699   DIAMOND ELECTRIC H Notice Regarding the Date and time of the Adjourned Meeting of the 6th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
    17:00 6976   TAIYO YUDEN CO., L Notice of Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted Stock Remuneration
    17:00 7942   JSP Corporation Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholders, etc.
    17:00 8276   HEIWADO CO.,LTD. Consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended May 20, 2024 (Under Japanese GAAP)
    17:00 8869   Meiwa Estate Compa Corporate Governance Report
    16:50 4298   PROTO CORPORATION Corporate Governance Report
    16:50 4792   YAMADA Consulting Notice of Personnel Changes of Executive Officers
    16:45 1939   YONDENKO CORPORATI Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholder,Etc.
    16:45 4298   PROTO CORPORATION Notice Regarding Change of Representative Director
    16:40 8801   Mitsui Fudosan Co. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT
    16:30 3401   TEIJIN LIMITED Corporate Governance Report
    16:30 5838   Rakuten Bank,Ltd. Notice of Changes in Executive Positions
    16:30 5838   Rakuten Bank,Ltd. Announcement Regarding Issuance of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights) to Director of the Company
    16:30 6134   FUJI MACHINE MFG.C Notice regarding the Disposal of Treasury Shares for Transfer-Restricted Stock Compensation
    16:30 6471   NSK Ltd. Corporate Governance Report
    16:30 8354   Fukuoka Financial Corporate Governance Report(June 27, 2024)
    16:15 6902   DENSO CORPORATION Notice Regarding Sale of Holding Shares in AISIN Corporation
    16:15 7780   Menicon Co., Ltd. Corporate Governance Report
    16:10 9621   CTI Engineering Co Notice of Measures to Prevent Recurrence of Inappropriate Cost Management
    16:05 7246   PRESS KOGYO CO.,LT Notice Concerning Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Share-based Remuneration
    16:00 4613   KANSAI PAINT CO.,L Announcement Regarding Adjustment of Conversion Price for Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds Due 2029 and Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds Due 2031
    16:00 4661   ORIENTAL LAND CO., Changes in Executive Directors and in Corporate Auditors
    16:00 6525   KOKUSAI ELECTRIC C New Management Structure
    16:00 6971   KYOCERA CORPORATIO Announcement of the Resolutions Adopted at the 70th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Kyocera Corporation ("Rinjihoukokusho")
    16:00 8304   Aozora Bank,Ltd. Notice Regarding Determination of Payment Date for Notice Regarding Determination of Payment Date for
    16:00 9332   NISSO HOLDINGS Co. Corporate Governance Report 2024/06/27
    15:30 2428   WELLNET CORPORATIO Notice on Issuance of a Sponsored Research Report
    15:30 3774   Internet Initiativ Notice Regarding the Disposal of Treasury Stock for Restricted Stock Remuneration with Tenure Conditions
    15:30 4626   TAIYO HOLDINGS CO. [Delayed]Notice Regarding Issuance of New Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation System and Performance-Linked Stock Compensation System
    15:30 7157   LIFENET INSURANCE [Delayed]Presentation Material for Business Plan and Growth Potential
    15:30 7518   Net One Systems Co [Delayed]Notice regarding disposal of treasury shares as restricted stock compensation
    15:30 8558   THE TOWA BANK,LTD. Notice of Partial Correction of Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2024 (Based on Japanese GAAP)
    15:20 6367   DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, Notice Concerning Allotment of Share Acquisition Rights (Share-Based Remuneration Type Stock Option)
    15:20 9024   SEIBU HOLDINGS INC Corporate Governance Report
    15:15 8043   Starzen Company Li Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholder, Etc.
    15:10 2440   Gurunavi, Inc. Progress Status Based on the Plan to Meet the Continued Listing Requirements
    15:10 2440   Gurunavi, Inc. Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholders, etc.
    15:10 8704   TRADERS HOLDINGS C Corporate Governance Report
    15:10 9766   KONAMI CORPORATION Notice on View and Policy Concerning Reduction of Stock Trading Unit
    15:00 1808   HASEKO Corporation Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 1861   Kumagai Gumi Co., Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholders, etc.
    15:00 2602   THE NISSHIN OILLIO Corporate Governance Report updated on June 27, 2024
    15:00 2742   HALOWS CO.,LTD. [Summary]Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Three Months Ended May 31, 2024[Japanese GAAP]
    15:00 3482   Loadstar Capital K Notice of Property Acquisition and Borrowing of Funds
    15:00 3962   CHANGE Holdings,In Announcement on Related Matters regarding SBI Holdings, Inc.(our Other Affiliate)
    15:00 4368   FUSO CHEMICAL CO., Corporate Governance report
    15:00 4419   Finatext Holdings Growth Opportunities and Strategy
    15:00 4523   Eisai Co.,Ltd. Position and Policy Regarding Reduction of the Investment Unit of the Company's Shares
    15:00 4974   TAKARA BIO INC. Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholders
    15:00 5301   TOKAI CARBON CO.,L Notice Regarding Determination of Issuance Condition for Third Subordinated Hybrid Bonds
    15:00 5715   FURUKAWA CO.,LTD. Notice Concerning Disposal of Treasury Share as Restricted Share Compensation
    15:00 5933   ALINCO INCORPORATE [Delayed]Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 20, 2024 and Medium-Term Business Plan
    15:00 6194   Atrae, Inc. (Update on the Previous Disclosure) Notice Regarding Recording of Extraordinary Loss in Consolidated Financial Statements
    15:00 6194   Atrae, Inc. Notice Regarding the Revision of Dividend Forecast (Dividend Increase) for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2024
    15:00 6197   Solasto Corporatio Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholders, etc.
    15:00 6724   SEIKO EPSON CORPOR Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 6762   TDK CORPORATION Approach, Policy and Other Matters regarding Reducing the Investment Unit
    15:00 6923   Stanley Electric C Notice of Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted Stock Compensation
    15:00 7038   Frontier Managemen Notice of Capital Increase by Consolidated Subsidiaries
    15:00 7167   Ashikaga Holdings Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 7201   NISSAN MOTOR CO.,L Matters Concerning Controlling Shareholders, etc. (other associated company)
    15:00 7447   NAGAILEBEN Co.,Ltd Summary of Financial Results for the third quarter 2024
    15:00 7467   HAGIWARA ELECTRIC Notice Concerning Disposal of Treasury Stock as Restricted Stock Compensation
    15:00 7942   JSP Corporation Notice regarding Additional Appointment of Representative Director
    15:00 8217   OKUWA CO., LTD. Summary of Financial Results for the first quarter 2025
    15:00 8848   LEOPALACE21 CORPOR Notice Concerning Financial Results of Parent Company, etc.
    15:00 8848   LEOPALACE21 CORPOR Notice Concerning Disclosure of Matters Relating to Controlling Shareholder
    15:00 8848   LEOPALACE21 CORPOR Corporate Governance Report
    15:00 9005   TOKYU CORPORATION Notice Regarding Adjustment of Conversion Price for Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds Due 2028 and Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds Due 2030
    15:00 9158   CUC Inc. Matters concerning controlling shareholders
    15:00 9158   CUC Inc. Business Model and Growth Strategy
    15:00 9202   ANA HOLDINGS INC. Notice Regarding Adjustment of Conversion Price for Zero Coupon Convertible Bonds due 2031
    15:00 9605   TOEI COMPANY,LTD. Change of Officers
    14:40 2440   Gurunavi, Inc. Corporate Governance Report
    14:34 4403   NOF CORPORATION Corporate Governance Report
    14:30 3861   Oji Holdings Corpo Corporate Governance Report
    14:30 5838   Rakuten Bank,Ltd. Corporate Governance Report
    14:25 7550   ZENSHO HOLDINGS CO Corporate Governance Report 20240627
    14:05 7261   Mazda Motor Corpor Corporate Governance Report
    13:40 2269   MEIJI Holdings Co. Corporate Governance Report
    13:00 7762   Citizen Holdings C Corporate Governance Report
    13:00 8550   THE TOCHIGI BANK, Changes of Directors and Auditors and Reassignments of Their Jobs (Responsibilities)
    12:55 6727   Wacom Co.,Ltd. Corporate Governance Report 2024/6/27
    12:45 8002   Marubeni Corporati (Update) Announcement of a Change in a Specified Subsidiary
    12:00 4425   Kudan Inc. Kudan-participating EU autonomous driving project ERASMO successfully showcased its cutting-edge technology and moved towards commercialization
    11:00 9279   GIFT HOLDINGS INC. Grand Opening of MACHIDA SHOTEN, Airside, The 1st Franchise Store in Hong Kong
    11:00 9348   ispace,inc. ispace RESILIENCE Lunar Lander Successfully Achieves Testing Milestone in Preparation for Mission 2
    10:20 6526   Socionext Inc. Corporate Governance Report
    10:15 6586   Makita Corporation Corporate Governance Report
    10:15 9064   YAMATO HOLDINGS CO Corporate Governance Report
    10:00 3459   Samty Residential [Delayed]Notice Concerning Disposition of Trust Beneficiary Interest in Domestic Real Estate (S-FORT Shizuoka Tennocho)
    10:00 3459   Samty Residential [Delayed]Notice Concerning Changes in Parent Company (Specified Associated Corporation) and Major Shareholders of the Asset Management Company
    10:00 7222   NISSAN SHATAI CO., Matters concerning Controlling Shareholder
    09:32 8078   HANWA CO.,LTD. Corporate Governance Report(June 27,2024)
    09:00 5027   AnyMind Group Inc. AnyMind Group grows its creator network to over 2,500 creators
    08:55 8002   Marubeni Corporati Announcement of a Change in a Specified Subsidiary
    08:45 8411   Mizuho Financial G Consolidated Financial Statements for Fiscal 2023
    08:00 2294   Kakiyasu Honten Co Notice of the 56th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
    08:00 2593   ITO EN,LTD. Notice of Convocation Annual General Meeting 2024
    08:00 4565   Sosei Group Corpor Nxera Pharma Receives US$10 Million from AbbVie as Collaboration Targeting Neurological Diseases Achieves First R&D Milestone
    08:00 6457   GLORY LTD. Report of Final Tally of Voting Rights Exercised at the 78th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
    08:00 7435   NADEX CO.,LTD. Notice of 2024 Annual General Meeting and Meeting Materials
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